What is Blepharitis?
Blepharitis is inflammation of the eyelids, typically impacting both eyes
along the eyelid edges. This condition often occurs due to blockage of
small oil glands near the eyelash base, leading to irritation and redness.
Symptoms may include flakes or crusts at the eyelash roots.
Blepharitis is chronic and not contagious.
What are the symptoms and signs of Blepharitis?
1) Redness or watering of eyes.
2) Photophobia or light sensitivity.
3) Burning sensation.
4) Foreign body sensation.
5) Frothy discharge at angles of eyes.
6) Crusting of eyelids or eyelashes.
7) Dryness of eyes.
8) Swelling of eyelids.
9) Falling of eyelashes.
10) Blurred vision (if cornea is also involved).
What are the Risk factors of Blepharitis ?
1) Dandruff.
2) Rosacea.
3) Oily skin.
What are the Types of Blepharitis ?
1) Anterior: Anterior blepharitis occurs when the infection is at the base of the eyelash the place where it touches the eyelids. It can be due to bacteria
from the skin, dandruff, mites, etc.
2) Posterior: Posterior blepharitis occurs in the area where the eyelid touches the white part of the eyes. It happens commonly due to the clogging of oil
glands in eyelids. Patients with rosacea or allergy are more prone to develop posterior blepharitis.
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How Blepharitis is diagnosed?
Your eye doctor will examine your eyelashes and lids in a slit lamp and will diagnose the disease. Staining of the eyes is done to assess the function of the
oil glands of eyes and meibography can be helpful to assess blocked glands or dropouts. Sometimes eyelashes might be sent for microbiology to assess
presence of any mites at its base.
What are the complications of Blepharitis ?
1) Stye
2) Chalazion
3) Dry eyes
4) Corneal involvement with blurred visio
What is the treatment of Blepharitis -
1) Maintaining proper lid hygiene is the key to healthy eyelids.
2) Regular washing of the lashes with a mild shampoo like Johnson Baby is advised.
3) For blocked oil ducts lid compression with warm massage has to be done.
4) Anti-infective and anti-inflammatory eye drops are advised for controlling infection and inflammation.
5) Proper treatment for problem like rosacea or dandruff has to be taken if they are suspected as an etiology.
Is Blepharitis a disease due to poor hygiene habits?
Definitely, poor hygiene habits might cause blepharitis but that is not the only reason. Many of us don’t clean our eyelashes with shampoo but only a few
will develop the disease which suggests that there are many other factors involved in the pathogenesis of the disease.