SMILE Surgery
What is SMILE Surgery?
SMILE (small incision lenticule extraction) is a type of refractive surgery that
is done to correct near-sightedness, far-sightedness, and astigmatism. In
SMILE surgery a part of corneal tissue is removed in order to reshape the
cornea and correct the refractive error.
What is the eligibility for the SMILE Surgery?
Your eye care professional will check your refractive power, and corneal surface measurements which include corneal topography, and based on this your eligibility for the SMILE procedure is decided. A stable refraction for almost 1 year before surgery is advisable.
Also Read: What are Refractive errors?
What is the Surgical Procedure for the SMILE Surgery?
1) Anaesthetics and antibiotics eye drops are instilled in the eyes a few minutes before surgery.
2) The patient is made to lie down and the area around the eye is cleaned with betadine solution and draped in a sterile condition.
3) The patient is advised to continuously look at the green light that will be coming from the machine.
4) A cup-like instrument is brought close to the patient’s eye and suction is created which feels like slight pressure but it will not pain. An important point to note
here is that the patient should not move his/her eyes or else suction might get lost.
5) The femtosecond laser is used to create a tiny incision and a disc in corneal layers.
6) Through the incision the disc-like corneal tissue is removed after separating from the anterior and posterior corneal surfaces.
7) This removal of tissue corrects the refractive error of the patient.
8) The patient might develop mild redness of eyes post surgery which is normal and will improve with time
What are the precautions Post SMILE Surgery?
– The patient will be comfortable by the next day post-surgery.
– They are advised to avoid exposure to water, dust, and foreign bodies in the operated eyes.
– They are advised not to take a head bath for 1 week post-surgery.
– Appropriate medications will be advised which have to be used by the patient.
– The patient will be seen in the hospital 1 day and 1 week post-surgery.
– By age 80, most people either have cataracts or have had cataract surgery.
What are the complications of SMILE Surgery?
Although SMILE is a relatively safe procedure and the complications with this procedure is less but to name a few are interface debris, infection etc.