Toxic Optic Neuropathy
What is toxic optic neuropathy (TON)?
What are the causes of Toxic Optic Neuropathy ?
Toxic optic neuropathy refers to visual impairment due to optic nerve damage
caused by a toxin. It is characterized by bilateral, usually symmetric vision loss,
Papillomacular bundle damage, Central (or) ceocentral, Sctoma & reduced color vision.
Toxic optic neuropathy is caused by the damage to the optic nerve through different toxins, including drugs, metals, organic Solvents, methanol & carbon dioxide.
Tests at hospital -
- Visual acuity test.
- Color vision test. is Important
- Relative afferent.
- Pupillary defect (RAPD).
- Visual field test (HVF).
Patient Complaints -
- Blurred vision.
- Discomfort.
- Redness.
- Watering Eyes.
Treatment -
(1) Removing the toxic substance.
(2) discontinuation of drugs
(3)stop smoking (or) consumption of alcohol.
Eye Check up includes visual acuity, colour un visual field, Pupil-reaction and optic disc examination. Prognosis depends on the dosage & duration of exposure to toxic substance. usually, after discontinuation. vision improves to normal over several days (or) weeks.