Highlights of the course
- Duration of the training ranges from 2 to 6 weeks depending upon the need and desire of the candidate.
- One candidates each for SICS and Phaco is accommodated at a time
- For a 3 weeks duration 20 SICS or 15 phacos will be monitored / taught during the course. Any additional cases can be arranged as desired by the candidate at an extra fees to the trust.
- For a 4 weeks training, 18 cases and for 6 weeks 25 cases will be arranged. Any additional cases can be arranged as and when desired.
- Wet lab facility is available freely whenever required.
- Surgeries will be performed in “state of the art” operation theatre with a high end Phaco machine.
- A cataract surgery Trainee Kit of SICS or Phaco will be handed over at the start of the course.
- A time table will be provided to the trainee about his schedule. Phaco trainees will be spending their morning time in OT with Dr. Sahithya and Dr Divya Reddy, observing his cases.
- A video CD showing steps of SICS and Phaco surgeries will be given to each candidate.
- Training will be imparted by our expert senior consultant on one to one basis.
- Phaco machine maintenance will be demonstrated/taught by one of our senior OT staff member during the course.
- Various video assisted lectures including Phaco Dynamics, Phaco Techniques and Newer Phaco Technologies, Phaco in challenging Cases, Newer IOLs etc. can be witnessed on request.
- A ID card (identity card) will be provided to each trainee for easy access to hospital premises and library.
- Trainees are requested to bring along their aprons.
- A Log book will be provided for maintenance of own case details for future personal use.
- A Certificate will be given at the end of the Course.