Best Vision Eye Hospital

Contact Lens- Associated Emergencies


Contact lenses - associated emergencies?

Contact lenses have improved the quality of life of many patients in view of 

cosmesis but in patients with Keratoconus and irregular corneas, contact 

lenses can correct refractive errors which can not be corrected by glasses.

There are cosmetic contact lenses available in the market that provide a 

better appearance. Despite these many advantages contact lenses can 

cause visually devastating complications which require emergency care.


What is the reason for Contact-related emergencies?

1) Hypoxia – Since the cornea doesn’t have blood vessels it takes required oxygen from the atmosphere. CL separates the ocular surface from 

    environmental oxygen reducing oxygen availability.

2) Mechanical factors – CL rubbing can cause foreign body sensation, and irritation due to improper fit, design, and lens material. Moreover, the debris, 

    germs, and chemicals get trapped hence increasing the risk of corneal infection.

3) Tear film abnormality – Due to combined mechanical and environmental factors such as low humidity causes derangement of tear film and improper 


What are the symptoms and signs of Contact lens-related infection?

1) Redness

2) Watering

3) Feeling that something is inside the eyes

4) Pain

5) Blurring of vision

6) Sensitivity to light

7) Swelling of eyelids

How to diagnose and treat?

If any of the above symptoms is seen in patients with contact lenses then they should review with an eye doctor. The doctor will examine the patient and 

depending on the etiology will start the required treatment. It is very important to differentiate between infective and non-infective causes in contact lens 

wearers as the treatment is very different in both the cases. The patient will be started on anti-inflammatory with or without anti-infective medication 

depending on the etiology suspected.

Prevention -

1) Wash hands properly before inserting or removing contact lenses.

2) Contact lenses should be stored in a lens storage medium and not in tap water.

3) Sterility should be maintained while handling the lenses.

4) It should not be worn more than the time provided by the company.

5) One should not wear contact lenses while sleeping.